
Showing posts from May, 2020

Day 7: More Fishies!

Hi Everyone... Here is another place I Find My Water and Turn My Blue Mind On! This is my brother's fish tank with his Neon fish and two of his Plecostomus fish. I don't know what he feeds them but man do they get big! :-) Maybe Milk...inside joke HA! The girls and the boys each had tanks in their rooms when we were little. One day my folks went into my brother's room and the tank was all white and they had no idea what happened. My brother said he gave the fish his milk because he thought they might be thirsty. HA! Actually, it makes perfect cognitive sense for that developmental age. :-) I love watching fish! We all know they bring our blood pressure down. When I was growing up I had a goldfish I won in 2nd grade by throwing the ping pong ball in the bowl. Well that fish lived until I was in college. My brother's took care of it for me when I left for college. It was in a tank all by itself by then, huge fanned tail and I swear either it was sleeping...

Day 6: I'm Heading To The Mall!

Hi Everyone... No, I was not in the mall fact these are from last summer & I never got them posted. Ya, how dead the mall looks it could be now with COVID, but our mall has suffered losing some anchor stores etc so not doing well but that is ok...I go to Find My Water & Turn My Blue Mind On! :-) 

Day 5: Bringing the Ocean To Me

Hi Everyone... Well I thought I would show you a bit of how I get my Blue Mind Turned On! :-) I do not live near an ocean and I do not get to visit one very often. I think the last time I saw one was over 20 yrs ago...sniff...sniff so I try to bring the ocean feeling to me a bit. These pix are from my bedroom. Yes, Ocean Themed with a dab of lavender in there, my previous color. I do put some seasonal/holiday at times in there, but starting next week (World Oceans Week) and the rest of the summer it is full Ocean theme. :-) So here are two of my little fishies. I created the ladder decorations and I know "Starfish" but guys it is like 40 yrs old. I got it when I was a young teenager I believe in FL when we were not that socially conscious about this as a society and I was not about to throw it away...I'd rather have its death have a purpose of relaxing me and know it did not die for nothing. :-)

Day 4: Blue Mind for the Birds!

Hi Everyone... Please excuse the peeling deck and what the birds left behind. HA!  I wanted to show you that even my Birds are celebrating 100 Days of Blue! :-) I love each day emptying their BLUE bowl and refilling it for them. I love watching them drink from it. It makes me feel so RELAXED & HAPPY! 

Day 3: Try Virtual Water

Hi Everyone... Today I have added the state of Maine and a "Virtual" link under Find Your Water ! :-) I'm slowly adding, but if you have an you love please email me the link at I'm currently listening to a babbling brook with some birds! :-) 

Day 2: Find Your Water!

Hi Everyone... For Day 2 I would like to share with you my new website . On this site you will find a link called FindYourWater  where I'm attempting to start a list of wonderful places you can Turn Your Blue Mind On! :-) Float Spas, Fountains (inside or outside), in Nature ETC! :-) I'm hoping we can all share our favorite places so please email me at with any links of locations you want me to add. I recently had someone give me a few from Greece, one from Ireland and then others gave me a bunch from FL and ME I am getting listed ASAP! I know right now with the pandemic we may not be able to get out but soon. And I am going to add a link for Virtual Water as well so send me those as well!

7th Annual 100 Days of Blue Mind Starts Today!

Hi Everyone... Woo Hoo! Today we start the 7th Annual 100 (technically this year 105) days of Blue Mind! First, I want to make you aware that I routinely broadcast the Blue Mind Docuseries and a piece by the Force Blue Team called Resilience. Resilience is on schedule for tonight at 7pm. Here is the link to the schedule .