Day 24: Feel the Blue!

Hi Everyone... I wanted to share with you a few pieces in my Ocean themed bedroom that Turns My Blue Mind On. :-) These are tiles made from organic clay imprints and recycled glass. Cool huh! :-) Some have a hole on back to hang or have little pads like a coaster/trivet or you can cement/glue on wall or floor anything really! I just have mine propped up on shelves etc. They are made by Robert Rossel of Symmetry Tile Works . I met them at the Chicago Flower & Garden Show a number of years ago. They have some cool backsplashes and murals on their website. I love the colors, definitely Blue Mind! I'd really love to learn how to make them myself. Seems like it would be so much fun & allow one to be creative. Kinda of the grown up version of those stain glass kits I had when I was a kid! :-) Whenever I'm in my bedroom relaxing I will just look at one for a while and I "Feel the Blue!" :-)