Day 2: More Medicine

Hi Everyone... Well this is my bird bath I refilled today. YEP! It's BLUE!!! :-) Had to give my flowers and tomato plants their medicine today! :-) Only problem was when I finished, the new hose attachment's on/off arm popped off and sprayed me all over! HA! I guess I needed to cool off too & needed a laugh! Medicine for my spirit! HA! Problem is, I just bought the water attachment and I could not find the screw that popped off, so looks like I'll have to go exchange it. A few hours later Mother Nature unexpectedly sprinkled them a bit as well. Not too much though. We are expecting rain tomorrow as Tropical Storm Alberto heads up this way. It does not seem that we will get any severe weather though. ( UPDATE 2:05am Wed: Alberto is already here sprinkling!) Later in the day I headed to one of our local pet stores to get my kitty some food and while I always go say "Hi" to the shelter kitties looking for new homes, today I was also drawn t...