Day 21: Blue Mind at the Dells

Hi Everyone...

I was thinking about what to write for today. Trying to think of water places I had been to that I really loved and all of a sudden a smile came over me when I thought of going to Wisconsin Dells as a kid. I have to check on some details with my parents, but I think we went twice. I am much older now & I'm not sure how my memory is, but I seem to recall loving the Duck rides. I thought it was sooo cool they traveled on land and then went into the water! :-) I loved the water and the huge rocks! 
I also LOVED going to see the Native American Dance at night. All the pretty colored lights and the costumes similar to this one I think, but I remember 2 men with arms like birds dancing round and round. :-)

I also remember going to Paul Bunyan's for breakfast eating at long tables with other people. :-) 

The first time we went I was little and we stayed at a cabin and I met the owner's daughter who was my age and named Rachel. Yep, still remember. I also remember I forgot my stuff Giraffe!! Still love Giraffes and still upset we did not go back to look for it! HA! I remember being able to walk under the Pine trees and the pine cones on the ground and the wonderful smell of Pine. I still love pine and burn those candles year round. I know my folks have some pictures I'll have to find them and add them later. 

We also went to the Tommy Bartlett Water Show which was very cool. I remember loving the Fudge and also the store where we got moccasins and Indian doll necklaces. In fact, to this day my dad wears moccasins as his slippers. We are usually getting them for him on holidays when they wear out. Speaking of which...hmmm wonder how they are? Got a special day coming this weekend. Ha! 

I just loved the Dells. I really need to go back there someday. Sigh! 


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