Day 56: Water is Medicine - Claire

Hi Everyone...

This is a really tough but AMAZING video to watch! It is soooooo INSPIRING! It is about 30 min long but at about 21 minutes in, Claire talks about her "Earliest Memory of Really Feeling Healthy" and it was when she was 5 yrs old and her dad took her to the Ocean and taught her how to dive and go under water & she said she could hold her breath "forever under there" and she felt "really independent" when she was in the ocean.

I have tried to search a bit for more on her and it appears those who helped her with her Youtube channel scammed her even though she did not sign any contract. She is now doing her own Youtube channel and her most recent post on July 7th was about the possibility of getting new lungs. Nothing since then so I'm not sure if she had the surgery or???


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