Day 44: On Golden Pond

Hi Everyone...

Someone mentioned "Loons" the other day and I right away go to when I fell in love with Loons and their call. It was one of my top favorite movies...On Golden Pond!!! No doubt my dream place to live! 2nd would be the beach! :-) I can't tell you how many times I've seen this movie, but I bet it is probably the most of any movie I've seen.

First, it is just aesthetically breath-taking. I love the scenes with the serene mood of nature & the water. Next, the characters, plot & specific actors (Henry Fonda, Katherine Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Dabney Coleman & a very young Doug McKeon) are just incredible! Even the Music...anyone remember the game show "Name That Tune"? I know, I'm aging myself here! The first 3 notes and I know the film and the emotions just flood me!

It was released December 4, 1981. The very next March it won Best Actor (Henry Fond), Best Actress (Katherine Hepburn) and Best Screenplay from another medium at the Academy Awards! It was nominated for 10 Oscars and many other awards and won a few more as well. It came in 2nd, next to Raiders of the Lost Ark that year with $119 million at the box office.

When my family moved to our 2nd house on 1.3 acres of woods in the spring of 1978, I did not like it at all. Bugs and just so far away from my friends. Really, a 5 min drive, but to walk or ride your bike that was far! HA! By the time this movie came out though, I was falling in love with Nature & this film just sealed the deal. We had a small creek on our property line, but oh how I wanted a lake like the one in the movie. I think it was around this time also my family went on a vacation where part of it included fishing on a lake and I just was in heaven...until I got bit on the side of my wrist by a bee or wasp on my way to clean the fish. Ya, that was the time we found out I was allergic to them! :-( My arm was in a big tub of ice up to my shoulder! Sigh! I did get out of cleaning the fish but really I don't mind doing it.

The loons are just wonderful in this movie. If you have not seen this movie I hope you can find it, you will not be sorry! I think I now have to watch it today! Ha! :-)


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