Day 9: Turtle Alert

Hi Everyone...

I'm sure this may be true for other areas now, though some warmer areas may have been a bit earlier. Please be on the look out as she says in the video!!!

While my baby "Sam" left me about 5 yrs ago "Ella" is still going strong. She will be 17 yrs old this July. She and my kitty "Sterling" usually wake me up in the about meal conditioning HA! "Ella" decides to splash around in her tank (it is in my bedroom) and move the big smooth rocks. "Sterling" probably hears that & then starts licking me. HA!

"Sam" & "Ella" (Sam was the bigger one on top" I have changed the big rocks now as they would move them. Strong turtles!

Here is just "Ella" from some pics I took today...she is a big girl now! "Ella" is the calm & quiet one. "Sam" was the feisty & dominant one. She would tell you when she was not happy. Ha!

"Sterling" loves to watch "Ella" in the water. He just chills and watches her for long periods of time. He also watches me do water changes. He is just fascinated...unless I pick him up to look into the tank, then he is like "Hey, there is water in there...she better not put me in there!" HA! Sometimes I'll chill with "Sterling" watching "Ella" also. I love having water in my bedroom. I have 2 Bettas in there as well that I watch. We've had fish since I was a little kid. The girls had a tank & the boys had a tank. I remember the day my brothers tank was all white. My parents were like ???? My one brother said he thought the fish would be thirsty, so he gave them his milk! HA! I had a gold fish that I won in one of those carnivals with the ping pong balls that lasted from when I was in 2nd grade to sometime in college! He got soooo big and fanned out tail. We had him in the tank all by himself. I love red tail sharks. Had one of those also for like 10 yrs. I want to set up another tank soon. My brother (yes same one) has a big tank now, so he must have really loved them when he was a kid! I go there and just watch "the fishies!" :-)

Update: Found a picture of my baby "Dusty" watching the fishies! :-) This would be sometime in the 1990s???


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