Day 10: Water is Medicine Part 1

Hi Everyone...

I'm going to really age myself here. These pictures are from summers of 1979, & 1983 (last one I think?) . HA! So this little boy is quite older now! HA!

They are from my visits to Michigan. Other than some visits to shop in Michigan City, I've vacationed in Michigan I believe 4 times. Twice I went with family friends to their cottage near the lake, once for my 8th grade graduation & once for my high school graduation. The picture above is from one of those times. Now it was the time I graduated high school that I claimed the water (ok, sand and sun too) was Medicine & healed me! Yep, I believed in 1983! You see, I had to have my tonsils out after my graduation. Very bad...on antibiotics for weeks and weeks so I could graduate, then on graduation day they got bad again, so different antibiotics and surgery postponed for a week or so until they kicked in. A week after the surgery I went up to Michigan with our family friends. OMG that week my healing progress just like quadrupled! Now I could not go fully under water, but I got in the water and played and the sun & sand and the air and the sound of the waves and sea HEALED ME!!! :-) My parents could not believe how I was when I came home considering how I was when I left! :-) Of course one can say vacations in general re-energize you, but that all depends upon the vacation you know. HA! 
I can't remember exactly where this is but I know it was close to St. Joseph & Saugatuck because we went on trips to those places and it didn't take us too long to get to them. Maybe somewhere in between? I'll have to ask my dad if he remembers.

Now this next picture I believe is from the time I went with a friend from high school to her folks summer place in Michigan. Or maybe they rented a place for that week? Too long ago, I've forgotten. I had gotten a big camera for my high school graduation so this might be summer of 1983 as well. I can't remember what city either and unfortunately I wasn't good at labeling pictures back then. I'll have to check one of my journals. I was big into that back then. HA!  They had a pretty good size boat & so I got to get out on the lake. I remember it being very choppy! I had so much fun in Michigan every time I've gone. Besides my throat being healed and recovering from a surgery, which is very Red Mind, the other times also just in general much more relaxed and Blue Mind while I was there. I think I need to make a trip soon! :-)


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