Day 1 Part 2: Water is Medicine

Hi Everyone...

Well, this is the water I experienced today on Memorial Day visiting my family. We have had a stretch of unusually HOT weather for this time of the year. It was 102 yesterday & 99 today. The soaker hoses on a timer just was not enough, so I went to give the flowers & tomato plants some more water as they were in need of a 2nd round! :-) Water was truly their medicine today! I made sure the bird bath was also refreshed, as the birds no doubt would need some more water as well. We don't want them dehydrating in midair do we? Ha! The solar fountain is not doing too well...maybe it had too much sun as well! HA! I know, I know...Ha! It was a great feeling to help them out and provide them with nourishment. It nourished my soul to see them all perk up.


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