
Showing posts from July, 2020

Day 46: Calm & Clear

Hi Everyone... Oh I thought this was just a PERFECT quote which captures what BLUE MIND is all about! 

Day 45: Singing in the Rain

Hi Everyone... Oh man my Spirit just had this inside me singing today! HA! We do have a storm heading this way, so maybe that is what triggered it in me? :-) We gotta add this song to Dr. Nichols' Spotify list ! :-) How can you not be happy watching this? When is the last time you had fun in the rain? :-)

Day 44: Blue Mind Spirit

Hi Everyone... Well this image really spoke to the Blue Mind Spirit in me! :-) Sooo much in it! It is the work of a Gregor999  which I found on a blog which listed  25 Photo Manipulations of Water . Check them out! 

Day 43: Blue Mind Music

Hi Everyone... This is one of my favorite Blue Mind songs! I hear it all the time when I'm in my car. Well...I listen to the 70s so! Ha! I love just watching this video of Dolphins and Whales having sooo much fun in the water! They definitely will show you what Blue Mind is all about! :-) If you are not aware Dr. Nichols has a list of songs on Spotify ! Check them out! I'll get them up on my website soon. :-)

Day 42: Excitement of Blue Mind!

Hi Everyone... OH YES! Blue Mind just gets one soooo EXCITED! :-) 

Day 41: Turn it Blue if You Have to!

Hi Everyone... Dr. Nichols is always saying to find your water and if there are barriers fix them. :-) Well this guy certainly did! Wow! We need more like him to do this around the world and fix our drinking water like in Flint, MI!!! 

Day 40: Smiles of Blue Mind

Hi Everyone... This is just an AWESOME story! How big her smile is on the water! Definitely Turning her Blue Mind On!!! P.S. I love Growing Bolder! :-) 

Day 39: Monkeys Turning Their Blue Mind On

Hi Everyone... Well they are sure having fun with the water. I have to say it is not very deep and each time one jumped I was having "red mind" thinking they would hurt themselves. HA! 

Day 38: Floating Cabins

Hi Everyone... Well I have not been to this place but I thought it was a really cool idea and wanted to share with you. Seems like a great way to Turn Your Blue Mind On and stay 6 ft away from others. :-) 

Day 37: Vitamin Sea for Red Mind

Hi Everyone... Great Outside article from a young lady who find the Ocean Turns her Blue Mind On when it starts to get Red with Panic which just so happens to have a few thoughts from Dr. Nichols :-)